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Announcing the Operate Alpha Release – May 2019 Edition

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  • Announcing the Operate Alpha Release – May 2019 Edition

The Operate team is excited to announce our May 2019 alpha release, Operate-1.0.0-alpha10. This is the first alpha release since we made an Operate preview publicly available in April 2019. You can download the Operate distribution here. It’s labeled camunda-operate-alpha10-1.0.0 and is listed under the same GitHub release as Zeebe 0.17.0 and Operate-1.0.0-RC3, the Operate release from the beginning of April.

Additionally, a Docker image is available in Docker Hub.

Alpha releases give us an opportunity to share what we’ve been working on early and often, and as always, we’re happy to hear your feedback on new features and functionality. To get in touch with us with questions or comments, you can start a new topic in the Zeebe user forum using the category “Operate”.

In this post, we’ll summarize features and improvements included in this alpha release with some context about who would benefit from them and how.

Selectable Flow Nodes and Instance Filtering on Workflow Diagram and in Filters

There are now two different ways you can filter to show only workflow instances currently on a specific flow node:

  • Clicking on the flow node in the workflow model
  • Selecting the flow node via the Flow Node dropdown in the “Filters” section

The gif below shows you both ways you can apply a flow node filter.

Filtering workflow instances by flow node

Variable Filtering

It’s also possible to filter workflow instances by variable. In a new field in the “Filters” section, you can input a key and value to see only workflow instances which contain that specific variable. In this first iteration, it’s possible to filter based on an exact match only.

In the gif below, we show how to apply a filter for a specific workflow instance based on the variable ticketNo(that is, “ticket number” in a demo flight registration process).

Filtering workflow instances by variable

The release also includes:

  • Improved transitions and animations, especially in the Incidents table
  • Various bug fixes, including a fix of a bug that was causing errors for some users when trying to select and view certain workflow models

Thanks for tuning in, and again, please let us know if you have feedback or questions about Operate.

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