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Camunda Platform Runtime 7.15.0-alpha4 Released

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  • Camunda Platform Runtime 7.15.0-alpha4 Released

We are happy to announce the next alpha release of Camunda Platform Runtime 7.15. This release features the following improvements:

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For a complete list of all improvements, take a look at the release notes. Please also see the list of known issues.

If you want to dig in deeper, you can find the source code on GitHub.

Incident Annotations in Cockpit

When working on incidents, adding notes to inform a coworker about insights, decisions, or solution ideas can be a valuable asset for increasing productivity and transparency. We’ve added this capability to incidents with this release. Head over to Cockpit to give them a try.

New Plugin System for Tasklist, Admin, and Welcome

With this alpha release, we’ve introduced an updated frontend plugin system to all our Webapps. They now use the same plugin system that we introduced to Cockpit in the 7.14 release: a framework-agnostic plugin system that allows you to develop with the framework of your choice. Check out our Plugin documentation for more details.

Support for legacy Plugins

If you have Plugins developed using the old Plugin system, you don’t have to migrate them straight away. We’ve provided a way to include and use your old Plugins so your upgrade to the latest Camunda version isn’t blocked. 

To include Legacy Custom Scripts, simply add the old configuration as requireJsConfig in the config.js file of your webapp. Fullstack Plugins will require you to prefix the plugin id with “legacy-“.

Check out the Migration Guide for more details on how to include legacy plugins.

The compatibility also works for Cockpit Plugins which were not compatible with 7.14.0.

Improved Searches in Cockpit

In an effort to continuously improve the user experience when using Cockpit, we’ve expanded the search for Process Instances at multiple points:

  • On Process Definition View, you can now filter for Process Instances with Incidents
  • We added multiple options to the Migration View. It now supports all options as documented in the REST API
  • When filtering for Process Incidents by Incident Type, the two most common types “Failed Job” and “Failed External Task” can be selected from a dropdown. You can still type and filter for custom incident types that are not part of the dropdown.

Changes to Supported Environments

With the 7.15 release, we will make the following changes to the supported environments of the Camunda Platform Runtime:

Added support for new environments

  • WildFly Application Server 21.0
  • PostgreSQL 10.13
  • MySQL 8.0

Planned support for new environments

  • WildFly Application Server 22.0
  • PostgreSQL 13.2
  • The latest version of Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL (currently 4.0.0)

Discontinued support for environments

  • WildFly 10.1 and 11
  • Tomcat 7.0 and 8.0
  • PostgreSQL 9.4
  • Oracle 11
  • MariaDB 10.0

On the Support Announcements page of our documentation, you can always find the latest list of confirmed environment changes.

Support for Microsoft Edge

As part of Camunda’s support policy, the latest version of Microsoft Edge is supported with every release. This means Microsoft Edge Legacy is no longer supported by the Camunda Platform Runtime. Read more about Microsoft Edge Legacy on the Microsoft Blog.

Share Your Thoughts with Us!

Your feedback is really important to us, so please download Camunda Platform Runtime 7.15.0-alpha4, try it out, and let us know what you think about it.

You can contact us in the forum, send a tweet to @Camunda, or file a bug in our ticket system.

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