I was already asked a couple of times by customers where they should start reading about DMN and how to execute decision with Camunda BPM 7.4. Great that so many people want to start right away! So let’s make it easy, here are my personal favorites for now:
Interesting Links
- DMN Tutorial: To get an overview of DMN and Decision Tables.
- DMN Get Started: Get started with Camunda and DMN 1.1
- DMN Plain Java Example: To see how easy you can evaluate decisions without any infrastructure, container or database.
- Invoice Example: Small process application containing a BPMN process calling a DMN decision table.
- DMN Reference: The full reference what Camunda can do with DMN in 7.4.
- DMN Engine Docs: The User Guide about the DMN Engine.
- Using DMN within BPMN: User Guide about how to use DMN within the BPMN Process Engine and e.g. do data mapping in between.
At this place I wanted to say a very big thank you to the product team. I think I was an annoying colleague over the last weeks asking so much questions as I got my first examples/showcases working (I did my first sales pitch with live demo already with a SNAPSHOT version of pre-alpha2 ;-)) and developed our super, brand new
DMN Training (CU there?)!
Thank you guys – now let’s enjoy DMN!