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Camunda Modeler 2.2 Released

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  • Camunda Modeler 2.2 Released

We are proud to announce the Camunda Modeler 2.2 release. This release improves the accessibility of all diagram editors, ships a number of important fixes and provides feature parity with Camunda BPM 7.10.

The diagram editors (BPMN, CMMN, DRD) now allow you to move a selection of elements with keyboard arrows, giving you more pixel-perfect control over how elements should be positioned. Use the arrow keys along with Ctrl/Cmd to move the canvas instead. Press the Shift modifier to accelerate both element and canvas movement.

Move Elements with Keyboard Arrows

Download the Camunda Modeler and start modeling right away.

Accessible Context Pad

The context pad that provides quick access to modeling actions. Starting with this release it is always accessible, even when modeling on very high or low zoom levels.

Context pad and popup menu always accessible

Improved Event Based Gateway Modeling

We always strive to be being good in the little things, too. In that spirit, this release improves the modeling of event-based gateways.

Improved context pad, better modeling rules around event-based gateways.

Camunda 7.10 Feature Parity

This version of our modeler adds support for editing camunda:isStartableInTasklist, thus providing full compatibility with the upcoming Camunda 7.10 platform release.

Full Changelog

The following summarizes all changes shipped with the latest release, including changes from the unannounced v2.1.0 release.


  • FEAT: support moving elements via keyboard arrows on all diagram editors; move canvas using Ctrl/Cmd modifier; use SHIFT to accelerate keyboard movement speed (#376)
  • FEAT: add accessible context-pad and popup-menu to all diagram editors
  • FIX: correctly detect file type when opening file (#944)
  • FIX: correct properties panel scrolling with many items


  • FEAT: add editing support for camunda:isStartableInTasklist (#843)
  • FEAT: add ability to register moddle extensions as plugins to bpmn-js (#949)
  • FEAT: improve EventBasedGateway context pad tooltips (#917)
  • FEAT: improve modeling behavior after EventBasedGateway (#784)
  • FEAT: display group names (#844)
  • CHORE: update to bpmn-js@3


  • FEAT: add ability to move DRD editor canvas with keyboard arrows
  • FEAT: add diagram origin cross in DRD editor
  • CHORE: update to [email protected]

Looking Forward

This release ships with Camunda 7.10 feature parity, numerous bug fixes and accessibility improvements for all our diagram editors. Download it from camunda.com.

Did we miss anything? Did you spot a bug or would you like to suggest an improvement? Reach out to us via our forums or tweet us @Camunda.

Stay tuned for updates on our ongoing editor core refactoring.

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