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Announcing CamundaCon Live 2020.2 — October 8-9

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  • Announcing CamundaCon Live 2020.2 — October 8-9

Save the date, share your story – CamundaCon Live 2020.2 will be coming live to your laptop October 8th – 9th. And we’ve already opened our call for presentations.

More than 6,500 people participated in our last virtual CamundaCon and we are excited to announce that CamundaCon Live 2020.2 will be held on October 8th – 9th. Originally, we had planned to welcome you to Berlin for our annual user conference CamundaCon – but social distancing measures mean we won’t be gathering together in person. While we miss seeing our community, customers, partners, and friends, we’re excited to bring you all together again in our second global virtual conference, with the added benefit of expanding access to so many more people than would be otherwise possible.

CamundaCon Live is the event for developers, process automation experts and IT executives interested in learning about modern, scalable process automation for the cloud era. It brings together the global Camunda community to share best practices and use cases from their peers, and get product updates and inspiration from the team behind Camunda. Our most recent CamundaCon Live in April featured 28 speakers from Goldman Sachs, Societe Generale, Keller Williams, Nokia, and 24 Hour Fitness, along with Camunda product experts and other users and community contributors. Many enjoyed the lively Slack discussions, sharing more than 12,000 messages, and we were overwhelmed with your positive feedback and insightful suggestions for how we can deliver an even better virtual experience in the future.

Twitter feedback
We loved receiving your feedback and have kept it in mind as we built the next generation of our online conference.

With CamundaCon Live 2020.2 you can expect another stellar line-up of Camunda users, from house-hold name brands to market disruptors, sharing their experiences and solutions with the Camunda product stack.

You can also expect another opportunity for genuine connection with fellow community members, as well as our Camunda consultants, engineers and leadership team.

Niall Deehan at CamundaCon Live 2020.1
Moderator and Developer Relations Advocate Niall Deehan went out of his way at CamundaCon Live 2020.1 to entertain 6,500 participants — we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us in October.

As industry analyst and author Sandy Kemsley summarized in her blog on CamundaCon Live:

I mentioned on Twitter today that CamundaCon is now the gold standard for online conferences: all you other vendors who have conferences coming up, take note. I believe that the key contributors to this success are live (not pre-recorded) presentations, use of a discussion platform like Slack or Discord alongside the broadcast platform, full engagement of a large number of company participants in the discussion platform before/during/after presentations, and fast upload of the videos for on-demand watching. Keep in mind that a successful conference, whether in-person or online, allows people to have unscripted interactions: it’s not a one-way broadcast, it’s a big messy collaborative conversation.

Your chance to share your stories – Call for Presentations

To that end, we have opened our call for presentations and are excited to hear your stories about how you are using Camunda, including the benefits, the challenges you’ve overcome, and lessons learned along the way.

Share your submissions with us before August 7th and tell your story on a global stage. Not only will you build your personal network and represent your organization, you will also gain helpful feedback and tips from other users who share similar challenges to you.

You can check out previous presentations on the CamundaCon Live 2020.1 On Demand hub, for an idea of what to expect.

Important Dates

In the coming months, we’ll be keeping you updated regularly with key information. Right now the important dates for your diary are:

  • CamundaCon Live: October 8th and 9th (CEST timezone-friendly)
  • Call for Papers closes: August 7th, 2020

Announcements will be shared on our CamundaCon Live website and our Camunda social channels.

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