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Camunda Community Review 2020

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  • Camunda Community Review 2020

Camunda, both as a company and a platform, is lucky to have strong involvement every step of the way from a thriving community. While a lot has happened this year, I felt it’s good to highlight what the community has achieved in three simple categories. Code, Community and Comrades. 

Code: lots of people write code that embedded and extended Camunda projects like the Engine and our Modeler. A special group of people then go the extra mile to make it available to the rest of the community and support it as it’s used.

Community: There can be an innate feeling of community that can’t exist without individuals working to make an engaging, inclusive environment for its current and future members, With the meetup organizers, we’ve been lucky to have some great people making for great local events for their communities.

Comrades: Camunda’s Forum is usually the first contact for people being new Camunda projects and they’ve usually arrived because they need some help. With the size of the community the way it is, Camunda would be overwhelmed if it wasn’t for the very dedicated Camunda Comrades folk who lurk around the forum answering questions and reminding people how to properly format code on the forum. 🙂 

Code from the community

There was a lot of code written by the community over the last 12 months, and I’d just like to spotlight a few different things that I’ve seen have a great impact on the community.

Python worker:

This is a great addition to the list of external workings, providing a way for Python Developers to have their code easily orchestrated by Camunda. 

Keycloak releases:

While the keycloak extension wasn’t released this year, it really worth pointing out that Gunnar, the maintainer, has done an amazing job in keeping this up-to-date, especially as more requests are coming in for it from the community. 

Modeler Tooltip Plugin: 

Demo of the tooltip plugin

As soon as I saw this plugin demoed, I installed it. It’s been a massive time saver for me, being able to see properties by scanning the mouse across the model has become something I can’t believe I ever lived without.

Color Selector Plugin:

Colour or Color – no matter how you prefer to spell it, you know you want it. It’s probably one of the more common things people ask for when they get started modeling and this simple plugin give you exactly what you want. Camunda integration:

Front-end integration is going to become a big topic for Camunda in 2021, and this year the community has already stepped up with a variety of possible integrations, the best of which is probably the integration don’t by StephenOTT.

External Task Service Mock:

A great example of someone seeing a common problem and producing a great solution for those experiencing the same thing. This helps testing processes that use external tasks using a mock service making testing really easy. 

JUnit 5 tests for Camunda:

Adding even more useful infrastructure for testing our very own Ingo, spend some time seeing how easily he could integrate JUnit 5 as part of Camunda process testing. It’s now an extension for all to use and enjoy.

Ruby client for Zeebe:

Zeebe is designed to be a scalable, polyglot service orchestrator – The polyglot aspect is very much dependent on how the community chooses to use it and with the addition of a ruby client it’s simple for people from the Ruby community to take advantage of Zeebe in their architecture

NestJS client for Zeebe:

A great addition to Zeebe is the NestJs client and the fact that it’s still being so well maintained and widely used.

PyZeebe client for Zeebe:

The Python community don’t only have access to the Camunda engine through the client mentioned earlier, but there’s also a Zeebe client in case they want to try out Camunda Cloud or Zeebe itself. 

Events for the Developer Community

Events are for me one of the most important parts of what I do. It’s incredibly motivating to see the passion our community has first hand. It’s also a wonderful feeling to have joined camunda users together as part of those events. We’ve done a lot of different things this year to facilitate the needs of the community, here are the main ones.

Camunda Question Corner

The last Thursday of every month Luca, Nele and I get ready to answer what are often a very surprising array of questions from the community. We’ve managed to do 10 of these events this year, attended by between 10 and 30 people. If you have a question, or want to know what the community is talking about – it’s a great event to chat casually with Camundi. 

Camunda Code Studio

There really is no better way to learn about a software than getting your hands on it and building a project. The code studio was a very popular online event where a limited number of developers could build some cool stuff with Camunda while getting tips and tricks from Camunda experts.

BPMN in Action!

Camunda both as a company and a product has strong ties to the BPMN community and in this one-off event the community of the top BPMN vendors got together to demonstrate the unity each tool has regarding the BPMN 2.0 standard.

Camunda Community Unconference

A day long Camunda conference where the topics and speakers were all chosen by the attendees! This format made for unbelievably informative and interesting conversation and presentations about Testing, Architecture, anti-patterns and more. I really loved it, and I’m sure we’ll do it again in the coming year.

CamundaCon 2020

Our biggest event of each year is always CamundaCon, and for the first time we made it a fully online event. Not having it in it’s usual Berlin home gave people around the world a great opportunity to join, listen to and engage with community members that they may never have been able to connect with. We’re delighted about the success it turned out to be.

Meet-ups around the world

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of our meet-up organizers and there are simply too many great people involved to name here, but through their efforts community members have had a place to meetup and discuss and present fun things about Camunda. I want to just give a big thank you to all involved, and if you’re interested in setting up a meet-up group where you are, you’re always welcome to join the community 🙂 

Comrades and Contributors 

The Camunda Forums are really a hub for the community. There we announce releases, events and new code contributions, but mostly it’s used by people looking for help. Anything from not being able to startup optimize to how to manage a performance problem on a heterogeneous cluster. No matter what your questions, there are people on the forum willing to help, and a large number are doing it out of the goodness of their own heart, including:

  • Justin Gigliotti – Big help on the forum
  • Aravindh – Help on the forum as well as organizing and speaking at events
  • StephenOTT – Massive help with his code contributions and forum help
  • Dominik Horn – Greatly contributed content and forum help around testing.
  • Dan Shapir – Maintaining the NestJS Zeebe client
  • Jonatan Martens – Maintaining Python Zeebe client
  • Francois Gottfrois – Maintaining Ruby Zeebe client

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