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Camunda Cloud 1.0.0-alpha2 Released

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  • Camunda Cloud 1.0.0-alpha2 Released

We’re excited to announce the release of Camunda Cloud 1.0.0-alpha2, which includes

In this post, we’ll highlight some of the new capabilities introduced in these alpha releases.

Zeebe 1.0.0-alpha2

The Zeebe team continued its work on getting ready for the 1.0 release and improving many internal components of the workflow engine and its underlying infrastructure.

Nevertheless, the alpha2 release already provides an improvement for users of the Java client. The Java job worker implementation now offers a back-off mechanism if the Zeebe service is not available. Before the job worker continues to poll the unavailable service continuously, the job worker will apply an exponential back-off strategy with this improvement. Additionally, the client will now have an extension point to specify a custom back-off supplier to adjust this behavior to its needs. For more information about this, check out the corresponding pull request in GitHub.

Operate 1.0.0-alpha2

The Operate team focused on multiple smaller improvements while preparing for additional upcoming features. One improvement in the alpha2 release is that the data migration during an Operate update is now more failsafe. It can better handle temporary failures and address them by applying a back-off strategy, not overloading elasticsearch.

Tasklist 1.0.0-alpha2

The newest alpha release of Tasklist contains multiple improvements to the user experience when working with user tasks.

We implemented endless scrolling with an ability to fetch tasks on-demand to make it easier while working with large amounts of open tasks. With this improvement, users can efficiently work with a more extensive list of tasks without dealing with pagination themselves, as tasks are loaded on-demand while scrolling the task list.

To ensure that users know a task needs to be claimed to work on, we added an inline notification to explain this requirement.

inline task notification

After a task is completed, the user now sees visual feedback that their action was successful.

visual feedback for successful action

Updates in Cloud Console

Moving forward you can get started with Camunda Cloud even faster as you can now sign-up using your existing Google or GitHub accounts. 

We’re also now providing a new distribution channel when creating a new cluster in order to allow users to test features of upcoming releases. With the “alpha” channel, you can create clusters using our latest pre-releases and give us early feedback before releasing the next stable version.

Camunda Cloud alpha channel

How to get it

You can make use of Zeebe, Operate and Tasklist 1.0.0-alpha2 directly in Camunda Cloud by selecting the “alpha” channel as described in the Cloud Console section above.

The releases for Zeebe Engine, Operate, and Tasklist have also been published on GitHub and you can find the assets here.

Please note that alpha versions are not meant to be used in production and cannot be updated to minor or major releases without losing data.

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