A warm welcome to the new guys!

I am very happy to announce that last week, three new core developers joined our team here at camunda.
Danny Gräf
Danny is an experienced developer and will focus on the backend side of things: process engine, databases, programming models (Spring / CDI) and application server integration.
His GitHub Profile: https://github.com/dgf
Sebastian Menski
Sebastian is an expert in distributed systems and networking and joins us as core process engine hacker.
His GitHub Profile: https://github.com/menski
Valentin Vago
Valentin is a seasoned Frontend Developer and JavaScript hacker. We are excited to have our first “pure” fronted developer on the team and we are looking forward to the great features he is going to add to our web applications.
His GitHub Profile: https://github.com/zeropaper
If you are interested in joining our team, have a look at our jobs page.

Thanks to Falko Menge for taking the pictures!