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Camunda Optimize 2.0.0 Released

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  • Camunda Optimize 2.0.0 Released

You had to wait several months and were already desperately longing to try it out. There is good news: no need to wait any longer because finally the second major version of our latest product Camunda Optimize is out!

Optimize is an add-on to Camunda that provides continuous monitoring and insights about your deployed business processes. This Big Data solution helps process owners make informed decisions to optimize their processes. The new version allows for a deeper analysis and comes with strong improvement of the continuous monitoring.

Version 2.0.0 is again packed with features. The highlights are:

  • Get answers to questions about your process using reports
  • Monitor your business process with dashboards
  • Use more filters to narrow down your view on the process
  • Share your insights with other people
  • Retrieve update notifications with alerting

The complete release notes are available in Jira.

You can try out a free trial of Camunda Optimize.

Get answers to questions about your process using reports

Once you have rolled out your business process, it is very hard to find out which parts are not running as expected and need adjustments. Or as life goes on, the environment is changing and the process gets outdated and you need to find out which parts of you process need to be updated. With the report functionality you are able to explicitly ask questions – what isn’t working according to your requirements and get deeper insights in your process from different angles. Thus, you are prepared to react to any changes in the process and always keep your business performance top-notch.

Check out this example of how easy it is to create a report:

Video showing an example of how to build a report in Camunda Optimize

The report builder comes with loads of great features but the following are the most noteworthy:

Configure Reports across multiple versions

Configure Reports across multiple versions

Previously, you had to select a process version when creating a Report, even if the Report does not differ structurally between versions. With the new release, you can configure a Report to consider all process instances across all versions of the process.

We also improved the process definition selection, providing you with a preview of the process.

Target Duration Comparison

Video showing how to compare your actual duration to your target duration in Camunda Optimize

In some scenarios, not the actual value is of importance but how this value compares to a set goal. For example, if an activity which should only take some minutes suddenly takes hours this might indicate a problem.

For Duration Heatmaps, you can now define target duration values for flow nodes. The heatmap then indicates only those nodes whose actual duration is above the set target duration, giving you information about which parts of the process are currently not performing as specified and you are able to eliminate bottlenecks in your process.

Continuously Monitor your business process with dashboards

dashboards screenshot

Often you want to get a quick overview of your business performance by monitoring the underlying processes. To achieve that, you can define Reports in Camunda Optimize according to your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) relevant to your business objectives. A dashboards shows multiple Reports so you can get an up-to-date view of the productivity of your system in one glance.

Use the filter to narrow down your view of the process

Locating flaws in your process models can be a huge challenge when you have millions of process instances to sift through. Filtering your data lets you exclude information that you are not interested in and that is distracting you from the important details. In Optimize, defining a filter lets you narrow down your view to inspect only a subset of process instances. For instance those that can help answer questions like: “How many invoices did we pay within the last 30 days?” or “How long did the fraud check take for all completed process instances within the last year?”.

Some awesome filters were already available in older versions of Optimize, e.g. filter process instances by their start date, certain variable values or flow nodes that were executed in the process. In the new release we are extending this capability with three additional filters:

Filter process instances by a rolling date

Filter process instances by a rolling date

Change is happening everyday and with that new problems arise. To find those changes as fast as possible, you are now able to define a date filter that does not remain static, e.g. filter all process instances between 2018-01-01 and 2018-01-26 but deliver the subset in a rolling fashion, e.g. all process instances started in the past 7 days. For every day that passes, this range is automatically adjusted.

Filter process instances by their duration

Filter process instances by their duration

Time is money! That also applies to process instances. Therefore, I’m often interested in process instances that took way too long. To do so, you can now filter them by the duration they took to finish.

Filter process instances by their completion status

By default, a Report considers all process instances regardless of whether they are still running or not. This release adds two new filters for Reports and Analysis: Running Instances Only and Completed Instances Only. This allows you to select more fine-grained filters, showing you exactly what you need.

Share your insights with other people

enable sharing

Providing visibility and insights into your processes is one of the key functionalities of Optimize. Therefore, this version adds a read-only sharing option to Reports and Dashboards. You can generate a link to a specific Report or Dashboard so that colleagues who may not have an Optimize account can access the resource. As it is a read-only link, you do not have to worry that the Report or Dashboard is changed.

Using the sharing functionality, it is also possible to embed a Report or Dashboard into external pages, e.g. your corporate wiki.

Retrieve update notifications with alerting

update notifications with alerting

Being able to quickly get notified when the system status changes is important. You want to know right away, without having to open Optimize and go through Reports and Dashboards. With the new Alerting feature, you or any people you designate can get sent an email whenever a Report value is above or below a threshold.

Much more

There are many more smaller features and bugfixes in the release which aren’t presented here in the blogpost. The full release notes provide those details.

Register for the Webinar

If you have not registered already, make sure to reserve a spot for the free release webinars next week – German and English.

How to get it

If you want to give the new Camunda Optimize a try, you can download the release with your Enterprise customer credentials. Please sign up for a free 30-day trial version.

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