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Why hyperautomation can help developers grow

Learning skills to harness new technologies increases your employability and gives you a leg up to secure a better job and higher salary.
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  • Why hyperautomation can help developers grow

Technological advances of the last decade have caused consumer and user expectations to skyrocket. Digital-first companies used this to their advantage early on by delivering a better experience and improving it over time. As a result, disruptive companies were able to widen the gap between their products and their competitors more quickly.

Innovative technology like Internet-of-Things, augmented reality, blockchain, or artificial intelligence are just some of the tools opening up new possibilities for both corporations and the developers they rely on. The growing variety of emerging solutions provide developers a chance to solve complex problems in new ways.

Learning the skills to harness new technologies increases your employability and gives you a leg up to secure a better job and higher salary. Understanding cutting-edge technology also puts you in a position to offer more guidance on broader business goals. Ultimately, you’ll be able to have more significant influence when proposing innovative use cases and solutions. 

Hyperautomation isn’t purely hype

The ease with which organizations can adapt to change — whether from competitors or disruptive technology — will determine their long-term success. It’s in organizations’ best interest to ensure developers have the freedom to learn new skills and explore new technology that might unlock new possibilities with proper governance in place.

But what exactly does hyperautomation mean? According to Gartner, hyperautomation is a business-driven, disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet, and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. It often involves the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools, or platforms, including artificial intelligence.

Hyperautomation technology like RPA was used to improve an existing process by reducing tedious manual work. As microservices became more popular and accessible, they were employed to break apart legacy monoliths. The flexibility provided a foundation for organizations to build a culture of experimentation where developers have more freedom to create innovative solutions. 

While some of these solutions haven’t lived up to their initial promise, they can still enable greater agility for developers and the business with proper orchestration to stitch everything together. Typically, transformation initiatives fall flat when there isn’t a strong vision and goal aligning the project. You’ll often see this when replacing legacy solutions that were selected to enable agility but instead limited potential because they relied on proprietary technology that locked developers into a particular way of working.

Successful transformation requires diversity

Simply put, true digital transformation takes a diverse set of technology and expertise to succeed. The sheer complexity behind any initiative can be overwhelming to comprehend, let alone plan and execute. This is why it’s imperative to have an agreed-upon definition of success upfront and a way to visually design the process from end to end. 

Having both the business and IT together is foundational for success. Pairing technical expertise with business acumen helps uncover any unknowns from both the technical execution and strategic sides of the equation. You’re also more able to unlock any historical knowledge hidden deep within a business process.

This is where collaboration and alignment between business and IT proves invaluable. As a developer, you can show immediate value by translating a strategic goal into what’s technically feasible. And, to find the best solution to a problem, you’ll need to understand the hyperautomation landscape and how it impacts any potential initiatives from the business.

Take a critical business process in an industry with high seasonality like financial services or e-commerce. Usually, the number of transactions flowing through a server isn’t prohibitive, but as soon as the season peaks, your service could be rendered useless under high loads. Understanding the objectives and obstacles helps you design the correct workflow, and foundation to build it with the right technology to meet your need for high-performance.

Reducing technical debt to focus on more interesting problems

Every organization is doing its best to “become a tech company”, or at the very least, tech-enabled. As your technology ages, you face an impending wall of technical migrations that require expertise and historical knowledge of the systems in play to accomplish. 

With the rapid pace of change in the space, developers need to keep educating themselves continuously on the latest technology trends. However, the balancing act between maintaining operations and staying on the leading edge can be challenging. 

While tech debt increases naturally as an organization grows, the longer you wait to address it, the higher your total costs will be. And this weight isn’t just from a maintenance perspective. Not providing opportunities for growth puts you at risk of having a team of talented developers that may look for more exciting work outside of the company.

Education and hyperautomation are continuous

With enough drive, the path hyperautomation and education lead to is filled with exciting new opportunities. The cultural shift towards more agile, iterative improvements isn’t exclusive to an organization. It’s a personal shift in perspective that can help you continue to level up and conquer the next significant initiative.

Even the most mature organization (or developer) must be ready for what’s coming next. The field is already broad in its current state and will only continue to evolve and disrupt those who aren’t staying ahead of change. 

The developers who lead a pragmatic approach to understand the technology driving change will set themselves up for a vibrant and exciting future.

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