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Camunda BPM 7.11.0-alpha2 Released

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  • Camunda BPM 7.11.0-alpha2 Released

Camunda BPM 7.11.0-alpha2 is here and the highlights are:

  • Fine-grained Permissions for Tasks, Process Instances, and Process Definitions
  • Java/REST API: Recalculate Job Due Dates
  • Java/REST API: Case Insensitive Semantics for Task Variables
  • Delete Variable History in Cockpit Full (Enterprise)
  • 18 Bug Fixes

You can Download Camunda for free (click on Preview Release) or Run it with Docker.

If you are interested, you can see the complete release notes.

If you want to dig in deeper, you can find the source code on GitHub.

Fine-grained Permissions for Tasks, Process Instances, and Process Definitions

We add a few more fine-grained permissions in Admin Webapp. The new additions are:

  • Update Variable and Read Variable for Tasks
  • Retry Job, Suspend, and Update Variable for Process Instances
  • Suspend Instance, Update Instance Variable, and Update Task Variable for Process Definitions
  • Read Task Variable, Read Instance Variable, and Read History Variable for Process Definition which are disabled by default. Please learn more here

Having these fine-grained permissions, you can grant a user to be allowed to perform only the specific operation (Suspend Instance) for which they are assigned to do. In comparison to grant them Update permission which allows them to perform more than that.
For a complete list of the available permissions, please visit our User guide.

Java/REST API: Recalculate Job Due Dates

Everything changes and nothing stands still.
Thus, this alpha now allows recalculation of job due dates.
This comes in handy if your due dates are based on variables and other context that might change over time.

The recalculation can be based on the original creation date of the job or the current date.
The first option will be the default for REST API interaction if you do not specify otherwise.
You can find an example for both below:

managementService.recalculateJobDuedate("aJobId", true);// based on original creation date of the job

managementService.recalculateJobDuedate("aJobId", false);// based on current date

The REST API examples would look as follows (both calls return status code 204 No content):

POST /job/aJobId/duedate/recalculate

POST /job/aJobId/duedate/recalculate?creationDateBased=false

For more information please check the REST documentation.

Java/REST API: Case Insensitive Semantics for Task Variables

With this alpha, queries for tasks with task, process and case instance variables support case-insensitive semantics.

There are three new operators to help you use this feature with the REST API: eqic, neqic and likeic (corresponding to eq, neq and like, with ic standing for ignore case).

Here are some examples:

GET /task?taskVariables=varName_eqic_varValue

GET /task?processVariables=varName_neqic_varValue

GET /task?caseInstanceVariables=varName_likeic_varValue

A POST request could look like this:

POST /task

Request Body:

  "taskVariables": [
      "name": "varName",
      "value": "varValue",
      "operator": "eqic"
      "name": "anotherVarName",
      "value": "anotherVarValue",
      "operator": "likeic"
      "name": "thirdVarName",
      "value": "thirdVarValue",
      "operator": "neqic"

For more information please check the documentation for Get List queries and Get List (POST) queries.

The new semantics are also supported in the Java API. They can be used for TaskQuery and TaskFilter. Creating a case-insensitive TaskQuery with Java is as simple as:

taskQuery.taskVariableValueEqualsIgnoreCase(variableName, variableValue)
taskQuery.processVariableValueNotEqualsIgnoreCase(variableName, variableValue)
taskQuery.caseInstanceVariableValueLikeIgnoreCase(variableName, variableValue)

More information on the new TaskQuery features.

Delete Variable History in Cockpit Full (Enterprise)

In the previous alpha, we introduced the possibility to delete historical variables using API calls. Now it has become possible to do so directly in Cockpit Full of the Enterprise Platform. You can delete specific or all variables from the process history view.

Screenshot of the cokckpit variable history view

More information on how to use this feature.

Please bear in mind that this feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition of the Camunda BPM platform. To try it out anyway, please request a Free Trial or Quote

What’s Next?

This is the second alpha release on the road to Camunda BPM 7.11 (due May 31, 2019). Stay tuned for more features around permissions, job execution and testing support. For details see our roadmap.

Your Feedback Matters!

With every release, we strive to improve Camunda BPM. To make this possible, we are reliant on your feedback. Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with us.

You can contact us by writing a post in the forum.

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