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Build lasting change through scalable technology

Leading tech companies use Camunda to streamline service-driven processes and focus on innovation

Our IT teams have been focused on streamlining the customer experiences ranging from buying to support across our product offerings. Teaming up with Camunda enables our IT teams to focus on shipping critical business processes with agility, visibility & efficiency

Vinayak Varma, Head of Application Development, Atlassian

Helping tech pioneers innovate and achieve more

Tech companies have no choice: adapt or get left behind

Automation, AI, and cloud computing are essential in today’s tech landscape. But there’s a catch: while new technologies offer immense value, a lack of integration creates a value trap with bottlenecks that delay go-to-market speed.

Process orchestration breaks down these silos, tames complexity, and aligns business and IT, helping companies adapt and innovate faster and achieve more with their current tools.

Unmatched agility

As a tech company, you must be agile to adapt to market shifts and seize new opportunities quickly.

Process orchestration facilitates dynamic workflows that can be easily adjusted to meet changing customer needs and trends, giving you a competitive edge.

Business and IT alignment

Achieving digital transformation in tech requires alignment between Business & IT and end-to-end visibility.

Using a one-model approach connects stakeholders using a common visual language, so they can align on goals and deliver faster with their current tools.

Frictionless processes at scale

New operating models and diverse services that come with growing companies increase process complexity and costs.

Process orchestration ensures consistent, automated workflows across your organization so you can stay efficient even as you expand.

“With Camunda, we deliver a powerful, microservice-based and DevOps-ready service that helps telcos break through inefficiencies and automate business processes for order management and grow revenues as they modernize their approach to customer service.”

Head of Global Partnerships Amdocs


of IT decision-makers and business leaders say process orchestration plays a role in accelerating digital transformation.

20,000 hours

of development time saved thanks to process improvements

$112 million

Net Present Value (NPV)  in the first 3 years of using Camunda

Tech pioneers choose Camunda to innovate faster than their competition

Boost developer output

Process orchestration streamlines tedious workflows and allows developers to work with their preferred tools and languages, accelerating time to value.

Enhanced operational efficiency

Process orchestration reduces errors and inefficiencies, freeing up resources for higher-level work by automating tasks and integrating disparate systems.

Improved decision-making

Process orchestration facilitates access to real-time data across processes, providing the basis for data-driven decisions that fuel continuous improvement and growth.

Crystal-clear visibility

Process orchestration provides 360° visibility into critical workflows, enabling companies to pinpoint bottlenecks, proactively optimize processes and measure performance with ease.

Best-in-class customer experiences

How does process orchestration enable companies to thrive in a changing tech landscape?

Learn how technologists use process orchestration to deliver best-in-class experiences

“How we built a support automation BOT workflow with Camunda’s platform components”

Watch the video with Brajesh Bharti, Senior Engineer from Atlassian

Why act now: Unlock your business potential with a modern tech stack

Implementing various tools may offer a quick win, but can create a value trap and silos between business and IT, hindering innovation.

Process orchestration unlocks a future of efficiency, scalability, and innovation, breaking down the value trap created by siloed tools, and enabling sustainable growth.

Seize new opportunities

By clinging to outdated systems, you miss out on potential new business and growth opportunities.

Process orchestration unlocks the full potential of modern tools and automation, allowing you to react to opportunities faster.

Keep maintenance costs under control

Isolated technology is prone to breakdowns and needs frequent fixes and costly maintenance.

Using process orchestration supports a more agile approach to modernization efforts, improves reliability, and simplifies resolving incidents.

Improve your processes with confidence

Outdated tools often struggle with producing actionable insights as the data isn’t integrated from end to end.

Gain complete visibility into your processes so that you can use your wealth of usage data to improve performance or create new products and solutions.

“We are building for the future. We don’t want to build it again in another 15 years, right? And this was achievable using Camunda.”

Enterprise Architect, Technology
Source: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Camunda For Enterprises, a commissioned research by Forrester

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  • Create, save & deploy unlimited BPMN & DMN models
  • Invite users to join your team & collaborate
  • Experience all features from deployment to optimization

Accelerate your project with the help of our global network of experts

Our network of trusted partners can help implement Camunda at your organization to help you achieve your goals.

Developers love our documentation (and training)

We have a vibrant community of over 100,000 developers worldwide that use Camunda every day to orchestrate and transform complex processes.

Helpful Documentation

Get all step-by-step guides and reference docs to understand supported environments, releases, dependencies, and more.

On-Demand Training

Camunda Academy provides anyone with free, unlimited on-demand training on subjects like BPMN, DMN, and Camunda.

Resources to increase agility and efficiency across your organization

Build Your Tech Stack

Which hyperautomation tools should be included in your tech stack to stay competitive?

Download guide

Process Orchestration Maturity Model

Learn how to accelerate process orchestration maturity to drive better and faster automation business results.

Download guide

Camunda Compared to Alternatives

Understand the full process automation landscape and the different categories of tools available.

Download guide

Security at Camunda

Our top priorities are information security, privacy, and accessibility.

We comply with ISO/IEC 27001 standards, SOC 2 Type 2, and GDPR. If you need more detailed security information, please visit our Trust Center, where you can access our customer assurance packages.

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