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  • David Simmons
David Simmons
A bill's journey through the U.S. House of Representatives is modeled in Camunda Platform 8 and BPMN. Along the way, see how forms incorporate human tasks throughout the process and how DMN helps minimize errors.
Follow along as Principal Developer Advocate David Simmons uses Camunda Platform 8 and React to build an app that requests, fetches, and saves data.
Find out which way to post JSON data to an external service is best. From within the BPMN or by an external task implementation?
Let’s dive into the four steps on how to delete an open human (or other) task associated with a running process.
Is there a process definition cluttering up your deployment? Learn how to delete it once you no longer want to run it anymore.
How do you go about retrieving a variable in your process instance that you’re not sure what or where it is? Let us show you.
New to the enterprise edition of Spring Boot? Let us walk you through each task involved with upgrading from the community edition.
Let us help you make your external client claim a task, complete it, and return control to your Camunda process.
Wondering how to make a SSO implementation work in Camunda? Have no fear. The answer you've been waiting for is here!