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How to use camunda-bpmn.js to visualize custom business data in process models

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  • How to use camunda-bpmn.js to visualize custom business data in process models
As part of camunda BPM we ship camunda-bpmn.js – a JavaScript framework to visualize BPMN 2.0 process models directly in your browser. It allows you to easily add own information to it. Daniel Klotz from our long-lasting customer Count+Care now leveraged that to show additional information on a process diagram to users (within their own application). He wrote a great tutorial and open sourced the code as an example on GitHub: https://github.com/zerounix/camunda.process.diagram.

process model

Great stuff – thanks a lot Daniel! And expect even more power with bpmn.io later this year 🙂 Happy coding…

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