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  • Bernd Ruecker
Bernd Ruecker
Wondering how technical transactions work with Camunda and the Spring framework? Learn more about transactional behavior in this helpful article.
Pro-code is our heart and soul, but people and processes are diverse. Our optional low-code features support more use cases without getting in the way of pro-code developers.
There are new Connectors available for SQL databases. Here's how you can get them and a quick example of how you could use them today in financial services.
Do you use Red Hat OpenShift? We've greatly improved how Camunda Platform 8 runs on OpenShift. Learn what's new and see an installation step by step.
Learn how inbound Connectors work in Camunda Platform 8.1, and how you can get started with them today.
Learn from Bernd Ruecker, Camunda Co-founder/Chief Technologist, and Daniel Meyer, Camunda CTO, as they tackle questions on connectors, modeling & more.
Learn what a connector is made of, how the code for a connector roughly looks, and how connectors can be operated in various scenarios.
The reality of a business process requires advanced workflow patterns. Ensure you use an orchestration product capable of supporting them.