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Camunda Question Corner 1

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  • Camunda Question Corner 1

One of the things I enjoy the most, as part of the Developer Relations team, is meeting people from the community who I can talk to about all the lovely nerdy Camunda stuff that inhabits my brain. This usually involves traveling to meetups and conferences – which is usually great but considering I’m grounded in Berlin for a while, it’s no longer an option. Which is why we thought it would be a good idea to set up a little virtual space where I can make people listen to me ramble on about Camunda stuff.

On Monday we did the first trail run of our new series: Camunda Question Corner. Myself @NiallDeehan, Nele @nele_lea and Luca all decided to take some time to create an event where members of the community could get answers to questions they might have. It was also a chance for me to wear a tie. Being at home for 3 weeks has relegated me to the most casual corner of my wardrobe.

The idea was to take some questions that the community sent in and voted on, via a slido page on the Camunda Forum, and spend some time preparing really detailed answers. Alongside, we also dedicated a section to answering live questions for the people who attended the event itself.

We recorded and uploaded our first Camunda Question Corner, so you can check it out yourself:

The main topics covered in this session where

  • Performance of job executors in a cluster
  • Optimized performance in clusters
  • Understanding the factors of OptimisticLockingException
  • Camunda Careers

During these sessions I also like to ensure that we branch out a bit – for instance you’ll probably notice that I’m very happy to take non-Camunda related questions – provided they’re about something I know something about. Which is why in this question corner we learned that Leinster is the best rugby team in Ireland and probably the world.

As well as that, Nele was multitasking during the webinar… by baking bread! She even created a useful BPMN model to help understand it:

bpmn model

The bread in question survived and ended up looking pretty good:

Question corner crew

For details of the next Camunda Question Corner planned for next Thursday just visit the forum – I’ll add a post to the top when the event is decided.

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