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Camunda Modeler 4.10 Released

We’re happy to announce the Camunda Modeler 4.10 release. This release adds new components for forms, a validation of forms to ensure they can be successfully executed on your target execution platform, an entirely overhauled properties panel for Camunda Cloud BPMN diagrams, and various smaller improvements and bug fixes.

Download the latest release and start modeling right away.

New Components for Forms

Use one of seven components to design your custom form.

This release comes with five new form components. These five components include four interaction components, which allow form users to read and provide inputs: Number, Checkbox, Select and Radio. Of course, all of these provide individual configuration options (such as validation), and allow the mapping to a process variable when included in a Camunda Tasklist application. We also added a static component called Text, which allows you to include custom HTML or Markdown.

Modeling Guidance for Forms

The Camunda Forms feature was introduced with the Camunda Cloud 1.0 and the Camunda Platform 7.15 release. The new form components are supported with the latest Camunda Cloud 1.1 and the upcoming Camunda Platform 7.16 release. To ensure that you only use form components which are actually supported by your target execution platform, we added a modeling guidance feature for forms.

Retrieve modeling guidance when modeling your form by selecting the target execution platform.

By clicking on the platform label on the left side of the status bar, you can now select the execution platform (Camunda Cloud or Camunda Platform) you are building your form for. This will lead to the form being validated to ensure that it can be successfully executed. The results will be presented in a new panel, helping you to find issues before the deployment.

Improved Properties Panel for Camunda Cloud BPMN Diagrams

This release ships with an entirely reworked properties panel for Camunda Cloud BPMN diagrams.

Camunda Modeler 4.10 ships with an entirely overhauled properties panel for Cloud BPMN diagrams.

The new properties panel includes various changes, to provide you with an improved experience when editing BPMN diagrams:

  • A more informative header, allowing you to immediately recognize the BPMN symbol type and name you are currently editing.
  • Sections replacing the old tabs, to ensure you can access all information you need (no hidden information) at the scale you need (open multiple sections at once).
  • Clearer Section grouping. Each section is specific to one particular concern and can easily be found by its explicit and simple section title.
  • Quick editing experience by focusing newly created elements (e.g., added input parameters) immediately after their creation.
  • Intuitive data overview through data markers which indicate if a configuration was made in a section, and in case of lists how many elements were configured – all without the need to open the respective section.

This improvement is part of a bigger UX modernization journey. So stay tuned for further adjustments in the coming releases.

There’s More

This release ships with a number of additional noteworthy changes. The highlights include:

  • A Feedback button allowing the system and Camunda Modeler information to be copied
  • Right-click option for tabs to Reveal in File Explorer
  • Deploying to Camunda Cloud Clusters in different regions via the Cluster URL
  • Bug fixes, bug fixes, and more bug fixes

Please read the changelog to learn about all the features, bug fixes and improvements that made it into this release. 

Looking Forward

Download the new Modeler, give it a try, and, most importantly, share your feedback.

Did we miss anything? Did you spot a bug or would you like to suggest an improvement? Reach out to us via our platform or cloud forums, tweet us @Camunda, or file issues you found in the Camunda Modeler issue tracker.

Stay tuned for future updates.

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