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Enterprise Support

Expert Support for your Camunda Implementation

Get 24/7 support with the Camunda Enterprise edition

Get answers and solutions to your questions quickly from the same development team that builds Camunda products, with priority response times from our Technical Support team. Skip crowdsourcing forum replies to address critical issues and get a qualified response with support directly from Camunda experts.

Enterprise customers can fix issues quickly with priority hotfixes and patch releases for bugs and security fixes as soon as they are available eliminating the need to wait for the next release. We also backport the patches to previous Camunda releases.

Each Camunda Enterprise Customer has access to

  • Choice of 8/5 or 24/7 support
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager
  • Priority hotfixes and patch releases
  • Direct access to Camunda Experts

Compare support options

Contractual WarrantiesNoYesYes
SLA based support (up to 24/7/365)No8/524/7
Patch releases for further stabilityNoYesYes
Consulting ServicesNoNoCustom consulting and support available
TrainingCurrently not availableYesCustom training available

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Support Requests

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Enterprise Support Guide

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Camunda 8 Announcements

Camunda 7 Announcements

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