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Camunda Desktop Modeler 5.7 released

Announcing the latest version of Camunda Desktop Modeler! Check out a preview of the new form features coming in the Camunda Platform 8.2 release.
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  • Camunda Desktop Modeler 5.7 released

We are happy to announce the release of Camunda Desktop Modeler 5.7.

The new version of Camunda Desktop Modeler ships with a preview of the new form features that will be available as part of the upcoming Camunda Platform 8.2 release. It improves the BPMN editor with an on-canvas color picker and the ability to apply a Camunda Platform 8 element template directly through the replace menu. As usual, it also adds support for new Camunda Platform 8.2 platform features.

Read this blog post to learn more about these features, and download the latest release to start modeling immediately.

New form fields and more in the Form editor

We added three form fields to the form editor:

  • A text area field for multi-line text
  • A datetime field for dates and times
  • An image view field for displaying images

These new form fields make your forms even more powerful.

But that’s not all. We’ve made the number form field more powerful, too. It now supports decimal numbers and even allows you to set the number of decimal digits and increments. Furthermore, you can choose to serialize the value as a string instead of a number.

The text form field can now validate email addresses and phone numbers without requiring you to enter a regular expression manually.

Finally, you can now control the visibility of individual form fields by adding a FEEL condition. If the condition evaluates to true, the form field will be hidden.

Note that all of these new features will be available as part of the upcoming Camunda 8.2 release.

New color picker in the BPMN editor

You can now color one or more BPMN elements using the new color picker that can be accessed through the context pad.

Improved replace menu

You can now apply and unlink Camunda 8 element templates directly through the replace menu. Find templates like other replace options using the built-in search feature. Use the new shortcut R to open the replace menu.

These changes lay the foundation for further improvements of the modeling experience that will allow you to create or append any element in a single step.

Support for upcoming Camunda Platform 8.2 features

We’ve expanded the support for using FEEL expressions in Camunda 8 BPMN diagrams. You can now implement a script task using an expression instead of a job worker.

An expression can also be used when specifying the error code of an error event.

There is more

We have added several other more minor improvements to enhance the user experience further.

For a comprehensive list of all changes, please visit the Camunda Modeler changelog.

Looking Forward

Download the new Modeler, give it a try, and, most importantly, share your feedback.

Did we miss anything? Did you spot a bug, or would you like to suggest an improvement? Reach out to us via our Camunda Platform forums, tweet us @Camunda, or file issues you found in the Camunda Modeler issue tracker.

Stay tuned for future updates.

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