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  • Joyce Johnson
Joyce Johnson
Why should you migrate to Camunda 8? Read this post to learn why migration from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8 could be the move for you.
Get to know the Process Orchestration Maturity Model and learn about the first two levels in this first post in our series.
Explore how Camunda's Play feature functions and how to test processes without disrupting your Zeebe cluster.
Now you can launch your Camunda processes from an external URL, simplifying collaboration and adoption.
With Camunda and process orchestration, insurance organizations can scale processes to any level. Learn how and enable claims processing automation today.
With the Camunda public REST API for Web Modeler, developers can perform advanced operations, from standard CRUD to creating entirely new projects and more.
Did you know that you can keep your process instances moving with Operate? Learn how in this tutorial.
Learn how to provide the status of running and completed instances in your own custom UIs.
Camunda Optimize helps you improve your automated processes with insightful dashboards and reports—no coding required. Learn how.