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Tag: camunda platform 7
We're excited to announce the 8.5 release of Camunda. Check out what's new.
Learn about our approach to migration from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8, and how we can help you achieve it as quickly and effectively as possible.
Why should you migrate to Camunda 8? Read this post to learn why migration from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8 could be the move for you.
The Integration Framework is a significant upgrade over external script tasks, with improved reusability, user-friendliness, and customization.
Discover how you can gain a competitive advantage by unlocking the unparalleled capabilities of the latest version of Camunda technology.
The next alpha release of Camunda Automation Runtime 7.20 is here, with new features, security patches and bug fixes.
Learn about the path we've taken to support Jakarta EE 10 on Wildfly 27 as smoothly as possible for our customers.
In the first alpha release of Camunda Automation Runtime 7.20, you can find a new JUEL module based on Jakarta EL 4.0 and many bug fixes.
The fourth alpha release of Camunda Automation Runtime 7.19 features new job due date functionality, support for Quarkus 2.16.4 and more.