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Camunda Optimize 3.3.0-alpha1 Released

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  • Camunda Optimize 3.3.0-alpha1 Released

We’re excited to announce the release of Camunda Optimize 3.3.0-alpha1.

Camunda Optimize provides business activity monitoring for workflows, supporting continuous process improvement by providing transparency into your automated workflows and decisions. Business-friendly reports, dashboards, and alerts make it possible to identify process bottlenecks and improve end-to-end processes.

If you’d like to get started with Optimize 3.3.0-alpha1 right away, you can download the release here with your Camunda Enterprise Platform customer credentials.

And if you’re not yet a Camunda customer, you can sign up here for a free 30-day trial of the Camunda Enterprise Platform, which includes Camunda Optimize.

In the rest of this post, we’ll highlight some of the new capabilities introduced in Optimize 3.3.0-alpha1.

Dashboard Filter and Usability Improvements

With this alpha release, we significantly improved Dashboard Filters as well as the usability of Dashboards.

Filter Improvements

Variable Filters allow viewers to add values

Dashboard Filters can be used to filter multiple reports simultaneously. We are improving Dashboard Variable Filters significantly by offering dashboard editors the possibility to allow Dashboard viewers to add filter values on their own. 

By allowing dashboard viewers to filter on custom values, they gain a lot of flexibility and can consume dashboards for different scenarios without editors having to modify the filters.

Editors can simply activate the checkbox “Allow viewer to add filter values” when adding a Variable Filter on a dashboard as shown below: 

add variable filter screenshot

When the checkbox is activated, dashboard viewers will see a Typeahead in the Dashboard Filter that can be used to filter for any value that is available for the chosen variable:

dashboard filter screenshot

Dashboard viewers can even link multiple values by ‘or’ as you can see in the following screenshot:

linked values screenshot
Split Filter Report Filter and Dashboard Filters

Dashboard filters apply on top of filters that have been specified in Reports. In order to make more transparent how filters apply once a Dashboard Filter has been activated, we split the applied Filters into a report and a dashboard section as shown below:

dashboard filter screenshot

Usability Improvements

Besides the above-mentioned filter improvements, this release comes with significant usability improvements in the area of Dashboards:

Editable Dashboard Filters

In order to simplify the usage of Dashboard filters, with this release we allow users to edit dashboard filters. Simply click on the edit button (pencil) to modify it.  In previous versions, users had to remove and add a completely new Dashboard filter in order to make changes.

Edit Reports from Dashboard Edit Mode

When editing Dashboards, often you have to modify underlying reports in order to e.g. change the visualization or customize the report. With this alpha release we allow users to directly access the Report Edit Mode from the Dashboard Edit Mode:

dashboard screenshot

What’s Next?

We’ll release the next alpha of Camunda Optimize 3.3.0 in December 2020. Stay tuned.

A smooth update from Camunda Optimize 3.2 to Optimize 3.3 will be possible. Along with the release we will publish a dedicated update guide.

How to get it

If you want to give Camunda Optimize a try, you can download the release here with your Enterprise customer credentials. Please sign up for a free 30-day trial version.

If you’re new to Optimize, we recommend that you watch the Getting Started with Optimize in less than 5 Minutes video.

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