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Camunda Platform Runtime 7.16.0-alpha1 Released

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  • Camunda Platform Runtime 7.16.0-alpha1 Released

We are excited to announce the first alpha release of Camunda Platform Runtime 7.16. This release features the following improvements:

Be one of the first to try Camunda Platform 7.16 – you can Download Camunda for free or Run it with Docker.

For a complete list of all improvements, take a look at the release notes. Please also see the list of known issues.

If you want to dig deeper, you can find the source code on GitHub.

Set Variables on Process Instance Migration

Sometimes, there is room to improve a process model deployed to the Process Engine that has running process instances. Since Camunda Platform Runtime 7.5.0, it’s been possible to migrate running process instances from an old to a new process model. Sometimes, a new process model requires a variable that might not exist in the running, hence migrated, process instances. For example, if a newly introduced task has input mapping that requires a specific variable, this variable is usually created in the course of the process execution. Therefore, this variable might not exist for migrated process instances. With this release, we extended the migration feature to set variables to the process instance scope when performing a migration operation. It works for a synchronous process instance migration as well as for process instances migrated via batch operation asynchronously.

The Java API looks as follows:

Map<String, Object> variables = Variables.putValue("my-variable-name", "my-variable-value");
MigrationPlan migrationPlan = processEngine.getRuntimeService()
  .setVariables(variables) // variables to be set to the process instances' scope

List<String> processInstanceIds = ...;


Via REST API, you can use the new API like this:

  "migrationPlan": {
    "sourceProcessDefinitionId": "invoice:1:439aef1c-ae61-11eb-9281-ae1daea8edbd",
    "targetProcessDefinitionId": "invoice:2:439aef1c-ae61-11eb-9281-ae1daea8edbd",
    "instructions": [
    "variables": {
      "my-variable-name": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "my-variable-value"
  "processInstanceIds": [

You can read more about the feature in our User Guide and the REST API Reference. This feature is also available via OpenAPI Documentation.

Extended OpenAPI Documentation

We are happy to announce that the OpenAPI documentation now contains all endpoints of all resources available in the REST API – except CMMN-specific resources. Here is a list of the newly documented endpoints:

  • Authorization
  • Decision Requirements Definition
  • Filter
  • Job Definition
  • Migration
  • Modification
  • Historic Batch
  • Historic Decision Definition
  • Historic Decision Instance
  • Historic Decision Requirements Definition
  • Historic Detail
  • Historic External Task Log
  • Historic Identity Link Log
  • Historic Incident
  • Historic Job Log
  • Historic Process Definition
  • Historic Task
  • Historic User Operation Log
  • Historic Variable Instance
  • History Cleanup

Head over to our OpenAPI Guide to learn more about this topic.

Your Feedback Is Highly Appreciated!

With every release we constantly strive to improve Camunda Platform Runtime. To make this possible, we are reliant on your feedback. Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with us.
You can contact us in the forum, send a tweet to @Camunda, or file a bug in our ticket system.

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