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Adapt Faster with Camunda: Embrace Ever-Changing Business Requirements with AI-Infused End-to-End Orchestration

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  • Adapt Faster with Camunda: Embrace Ever-Changing Business Requirements with AI-Infused End-to-End Orchestration

Businesses are under intense pressure today; they are resource constrained and challenged to do more with less. To remain competitive and deliver the value their customers expect, they often look to automation technology. However, the hard truth is that few automation platforms can orchestrate a process end-to-end, which often results in fragmented task-based or point automations loosely joined together; resulting in compounding technical debt.

These fragmented task automations and systems can eliminate business visibility into your end-to-end process. Not having this visibility across the entire process can lead to reduced collaboration and higher development time and costs, with teams focused on compensating for the lack of visibility and integration; ultimately slowing your ability to adapt to changes. And, all the while, pressures from frequent regulatory changes and business demands continue to compound; reducing your ability to adapt at the speed your business demands.

Startups have an advantage in their lack of technical debt and ability to adapt and move fast. But, they aren’t the only ones who can adjust and move quickly.

With Camunda, enterprise organizations can drive lasting value, transformative efficiencies, and unparalleled visibility through end-to-end process orchestration. According to our new “The Total Economic Impact™ of Camunda for Enterprises” (TEI) study, conducted by Forrester Consulting, Camunda customers experience a reported savings of $15 million in process quality improvements and over 20,000 hours of development time. By enabling teams to efficiently and quickly design, execute, and improve processes from end-to-end, we help you realize sustained long-term enterprise business value and be poised to turn market conditions or tech advances like AI into your advantage.

And, it’s through end-to-end process orchestration, that organizations can more effectively leverage the potential of AI. With the ability to access and learn from the entirety of the structure and flow of the end-to-to end process and data that flows through it, organizations will achieve faster process development and iteration, including self-optimization, and fewer human errors via smarter decisioning; keeping you ahead of your competition and today’s mounting pressures.

We’re excited to share details around recently released features that will enable your organization to adapt even faster to changing market conditions and regulations, and confidently harness and capitalize on the power of AI.

Unlock faster and more efficient end-to-end process modeling with AI

Meet Camunda Copilot

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Camunda Copilot with the vision of enabling faster, more efficient, end-to-end process modeling. Copilot will simplify complex modeling tasks and is designed to cater to both low-code and pro-code developers without compromising on functionality.

The introduction of Copilot will enhance our overall modeling and process orchestration capabilities and optimize the user experience. And, because Copilot is adaptable to various levels of complexity and user expertise, it will foster collaboration across different stakeholders and ensure a unified approach to process development. You’ll get better results faster, enabling you to stay agile and quickly respond to market changes.

Transform descriptions into efficient BPMN tasks with Copilot Modeler suggestions

The AI-driven Modeler suggestions feature is the first of many features we’ll launch as part of Camunda Copilot with the goal of helping you increase speed, agility and efficiency across your organization. Modeler suggestions offer intuitive, actionable advice for transforming descriptions into efficient BPMN tasks. Simply enter a description such as ‘Send a message’ and you’ll immediately receive a practical suggestion for model refinement, such as to implement it through a Slack Connector.

Modeler suggestions expedite onboarding for those new to BPMN as well as expert modelers with more efficient design and successful implementation of process models that are optimized for readability and performance, helping you tackle your most complex processes faster.

Build forms faster with AI-assisted Form Builder

Accelerate the build and deployment of user task forms when business processes require human work. With the AI-assisted Form Builder, you simply describe your use case and a starter form will be generated automatically. Customize and extend the form as needed with drag-and-drop form controls, conditional formatting, fine-grained field validation, and more.

Incorporate GenAI into your processes with AI Connectors

Leverage the power of generative AI in your critical business processes with our suite of AI Connectors, including OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, and Hugging Face. Camunda enables you to orchestrate AI services and machine learning models as part of your business processes so you can intelligently route tasks to teams, generate targeted communications, and more. Pro-code and low-code developers can use Camunda Modeler to easily enhance their business processes without extensive AI expertise or development resources. 

Plus, BPMN enables you to orchestrate end-to-end processes that combine generative AI work with tasks that are executed by other systems or even by teams of people, so decisions can be reviewed and validated; keeping you and your business safe.

Put safeguards in place and review and validate decisions made by AI in your processes.

Enable AI-powered process optimization with ML-ready dataset

When you combine the power of machine learning algorithms and your organization’s process execution data, you can uncover valuable insights and trends that will help you streamline operations, reduce costs, and elevate customer experience.  

Camunda Optimize’s machine learning-ready data set export feature provides pre-organized and pre-processed data, ready for analysis, drastically reducing the average time spent on data cleanup and preparation. Business analysts and data scientists can effortlessly train new models or enhance existing ones, uncover patterns and trends, and predict and optimize future process instances’ outcomes to ensure your business is poised to take advantage of opportunities for efficiency.

Intelligent routing of customer inquiries with an AI-enabled blueprint

Jump-start your journey to AI-enabled processes with the Intelligent Routing blueprint, now available in Camunda Marketplace. This blueprint illustrates how you can use the OpenAI Connector to analyze a customer inquiry, route it to the correct team, and provide feedback to the AI so it can improve task routing in the future. Camunda SaaS users can install the blueprint directly from Camunda Marketplace, while Self-Managed users can download it for installation in their own setup.

Camunda Marketplace is a trusted source of blueprints and Connectors that help you get started quickly and orchestrate processes across a variety of technologies. We welcome contributions to Marketplace; to learn more, visit our guide. To let us know what Connectors you’re interested in, visit the Idea Portal.

AI-powered search capability across our docs, blogs, and forum

Accelerate your search for Camunda technical answers through streamlined access to all of our knowledge resources (docs, blogs, and forum) in a single place, through Camunda Docs AI.

With this new capability, search functionality across our docs, blogs, and forum is powered by a large language model (LLM) that learns from its sources to equip an LLM chatbot to answer technical questions quickly and efficiently, saving you time in searching across multiple sources. The Ask AI agent is available from our docs and forum; give it a try and let us know your feedback via comment on this blog.

Flexibly leverage the latest process improvements or address process definition issues

Migrate running process instances to a new version of a process model and quickly adapt to changing business requirements through process improvements and bug fixes with Camunda Operate. Add functionality that your users have requested, comply with new regulatory requirements, and keep up with the competition, all without interrupting processes that are in flight. You can migrate a process instance that is active or that is stuck on an incident, ensuring that migration is invisible to end users.

Simplify the conversion of existing REST Postman and REST-based OPEN API collections

Accelerate development and convert a Postman or OpenAI specification to a Camunda Connector with a few clicks. After you define an API in Postman or OpenAI, use the converter to create a reusable Connector that anyone can drag-and-drop into their BPMN process model. As you modify and maintain the API, you can easily update the Connector without rewriting the code.

As part of the multilayer coding experience for Camunda Connectors, the converter saves professional software developers valuable time that they would otherwise spend developing, testing, and maintaining Connectors for the APIs they define in Postman or OpenAI. It also helps pro-code developers ensure that low-code developers and business technologists can take advantage of APIs in the processes they design, without requiring them to understand the API specification at a deep level.

Build complex workflows faster and more collaboratively with the updated context pad

Accelerate the creation of BPMN diagrams with the new Modeler context pad. The context pad makes it easier to append BPMN elements, connect elements, and adjust element properties by providing hover-over text and guidance on common actions that can be performed. Our goal is to provide a more intuitive and accessible experience for those who are new to BPMN and those who are seasoned process modelers.

Undo or cancel previously executed tasks using compensation events

As business needs change and evolve, so should your process model. Easily maintain end-to-end orchestration for even the most complex scenarios with BPMN compensation events that provide the flexibility to undo or cancel previously executed tasks. Compensation events can reverse the effects of activities in case of errors, exceptions, or cancellations, ensuring consistency, reliability, and compliance in complex business scenarios. Learn more about the power of compensation events, how they implement Saga Patterns, and how to start incorporating them into your processes in this compensation events demo.

Tutorial: How to Use Compensation Events in Camunda 8 BPMN Models

And so much more

Beyond the AI-enabled and productivity boosting features we’ve described above, we’ve also released so many more including a Process KPI Wizard, Camunda Console Self-Managed, Zeebe user tasks, and an HTML viewer component in forms. Read about them in our 8.5 release blog post! If you have any feedback or thoughts, please feel free to contact us or let us know on our forum.

If you don’t have an account, you can try out the latest version today with a free trial.

Learn more from our team

Want to dig deeper into how we can help you confidently harness the power of AI and adapt faster? Catch the recording of our live webinar for insights and a closer look at the features we’ve covered here in this blog.

Start the discussion at forum.camunda.io

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