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Tag: api
Zeebe can now handle user task management. Learn why we developed this enhancement and how you can start using it today.
We're working to streamline our product APIs and provide you with an intuitive and consistent API experience.
Learn why API Orchestration is such an important topic and the key concepts you need to understand.
Learn how to provide the status of running and completed instances in your own custom UIs.
API and microservice are often used interchangeably, but they're different. Learn the differences between microservices and APIs.
Learn the difference between REST, GraphQL and gRPC. Understand the pros and cons and top use cases of each API to help you choose the right one.
The Camunda Platform 8 SDK for Node.js provides a single high-level API to interact with many components of Camunda Platform 8.
Learn how you can use the Camunda Platform 8 REST API to start a process using the latest Connectors.