How to migrate from Activiti 5.21 to Camunda BPM 7.5

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With the Activiti Core Developers having left Alfresco (the company behind Activiti), the future of the Activiti project is quite questionable. More and more Activiti users want to migrate to Camunda. There are actually very good reasons to do so, see Camunda Engine Evolution since Activiti Fork.

Camunda is a fork of Activiti. We actually developed big parts of the engine ourselves before we decided to part ways with Alfresco back in 2013. Hence it is relatively easy to migrate. This post lists the necessary steps to achieve this:

  • For the development project
    • Exchange Activiti library with Camunda library
    • Adjust package names and some class names
    • Verify your BPMN models
    • Check for Activiti features you used that are not present or solved differently in Camunda
  • For the runtime database
    • Run a database migration script
    • Migrate users and groups
  • Get familiar with Camunda tooling.

Let’s go over this step-by-step.

Exchange libraries

Exchange the Activiti library itself. Simply change the Maven dependency from:




You might need to add the Camunda Maven Repository to resolve the Maven artifacts.

Adjust package and class names

Change all package names in the import statements from org.activiti.* to org.camunda.bpm.*. This can be achieved by doing an “Organizing Imports” in your IDE.

Some class names have also changed, make sure to adjust them as well. A complete list of class names changed is provided.

Make sure you adjust package and class names in configuration files (e.g., Spring XML) too.

Verify your BPMN XML models

In Activiti we often see process models without layout information (so called “DI” for diagram interchange). These models cannot be graphically displayed in Camunda. You might want to auto-layout them, see the link provided below.

Some elements in the BPMN XML file might cause parsing exceptions in Camunda (you will see ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process somewhere in the logs), the most prominent example is:

<activiti:formProperty type="user" ...

Camunda does not know a type user, you have to change this to

<activiti:formProperty type="string" ...

to use your process. You might find other things not parseable. In that case you have to adjust your BPMN XML file. We recommend that you verify your BPMN models by a simple unit test case:

@Deployment(resources = { "MyModel.bpmn" })
public void testParsingAndDeployment() {
  // nothing is done here as we just want to check for exceptions during deployment

After fixing all issues you can deploy a new version of the process definition in Camunda and upgrade existing process instances to it. Another alternative is to tweak the BPMN XML directly in the database. It is stored in the ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY table in bytes_ as string. With a proper database tool you can edit it there but be careful. 🙂

Check feature differences

We forked from Activiti 5.11. Since then, both projects evolved in parallel. Luckily, Activiti developed a lot less new features than Camunda (which is not my personal opinion, but easy to see in OpenHub statistics). However, there are features that are not in Camunda BPM, or requirements we solved differently (a good read about us solving a couple of things differently, for good reasons, is Camunda Engine Evolution since Activiti Fork.

In this post I do not want to list each and every Activiti feature not available in Camunda. I concentrate on the most common things. If you face any missing feature which turns out to be a show-stopper for you, make sure to contact us, either via the Forum for community users or via the Contact Form if you plan to go for an Enterprise Subscription. So far, we have always found a solution for migration users, either by simple workarounds, by custom plug-ins to the Camunda engine or by adding the feature to Camunda itself.

Activiti Explorer

The most prominent feature solved differently is the Activiti Explorer. We dumped this component completely, as for us the target user was unclear. The Explorer mixes task management, process operations and administration in one tool, which, by the way, was pretty unintuitive. We tested that in various customer scenarios and decided to develop new tools for Camunda. So in our universe you have:

  • Camunda Tasklist: A Tasklist application targeting the end user (we call them: process participants, because they participate in processes during runtime). You can still use Activiti Form fields for auto-generated forms, but you can also leverage powerful HTML forms.
  • Camunda Cockpit: Tooling for the operator, where you can see all deployed processes, all running instances, history and audit data, reporting and so on. An operator can easily engage in the process by changing data, canceling processes, migrating versions, doing “token jumps” and so on. Some features can be used in a bulk-fashion, meaning you can also cancel millions of process instances in one go (yes – we do have customers needing these capabilities).
  • Camunda Admin: Administration of the engine, including users (if you do not use external user management).

In combination, this replaces the Explorer completely.


After the fork we developed a new REST API from scratch, due to glitches in the existing one (which the Activiti team also recognized, they replaced their own REST API with a new one in 5.13). Hence the REST API is different and you have to check all your REST calls. E.g., starting a new BPMN process instance:


POST runtime/process-instances
   "variables": [
        "value":"This is a variable",


POST /process-definition/{id}/start
POST /process-definition/key/{key}/start

    "businessKey": "myBusinessKey",
    "variables": {
        "aVariable": {
            "value": "aStringValue",
            "type": "String"
        "anotherVariable": {
            "value": true,
            "type": "Boolean"

Of course, we think that we have the more correct resource-oriented approach 🙂 but check for yourself in the Camunda 7.5 REST API reference.

By the way, we had one customer in the past who developed a small REST facade for Activiti REST calls used and pointed that to Camunda in the background. Depending on the number of REST clients, this might be a good strategy.

Core engine features

The following list contains core engine features of Activiti not present in Camunda.

Query API capabilities

Activiti introduced OR capabilities to the query API. Some query parameters are not there in Camunda, e.g., TaskQuery.processInstanceIdIn. Some parameters are present in Camunda, but were named differently, e.g., ProcessDefinitionQuery.processDefinitionIds in Activiti is named `ProcessDefinitionQuery.processDefinitionIdIn“in Camunda.

Normally it is always possible to express the current query at hand by means of the Camunda API, it might involve some small re-writing. Native Queries are always a good joker, as they can be easily leveraged to, for example, express OR conditions.

Feel free to ask for help in the forum or via support.

Process diagrams

All features around process diagram generation and auto-layouting are solved differently in Camunda. We actually rely on the graphical layout information (so-called “DI” for diagram interchange) being present in the XML. That is always the case if you use a proper modeler to build the BPMN. Therefore we do not generate any PNG, but we render the BPMN directly in the browser with an embedded renderer. This approach is less error-prone and much more flexible and feature-rich on the front-end (for example, you can render the model yourself and easily add overlays).

We do have an auto-layouter, but “only” as community extension. It is written in JavaScript and easy to apply: BPMN Auto Layout.

Core entities, data and other features

We have neither introduced a Task.category nor a claimTime for tasks. We have not introduced the Activiti Events, so you have to exchange that with Execution Listeners, Task Listeners, CDI events or a History Event Handler. Or maybe you want to leverage the Camunda BPM reactor community extension. Note that we do not write the ACT_EVT_LOG table.

Camunda does not support definition of data objects. We also do not allow changing the business key of a running instance. We do not have a DynamicBpmService or a Business Calendar. We do solve Custom MyBatis Mappers differently (as you can see in an example). The Process Engine Configurator of Activiti is not required, as Camunda knows Process Engine Plugins.

We do not have a Model repository as we separate data required for the engine runtime from design time artifacts, like intermediate models.

Experimental things and community extensions

Activiti has some features and modules which are in a very experimental stage (or sometimes also kind of abandoned). At Camunda we have a different view on our core product: Whatever is in the product needs to be stable, maintained and can be supported with 24×7 support. So we draw a clear line between core product and what we call community extensions.

Here are examples of half-baked features not in the Camunda BPM product:

  • Business Rule Task with Drools integration. This is limited to Drools and in a very specific manner. We can either call DMN Decision Tables or hook in custom code (which could be the Drools implementation of Activiti if you like it).
  • Mule Task, Web Service Task and Shell Task: You have to hook in code via a normal Service Task. You might leverage the Activiti code though.
  • activiti-camel: Can be replaced by camunda-bpm-camel.
  • Spring Boot Starter: In Camunda there is the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter.
  • activiti-jmx: Our core engine already provides some beans for JMX. However, actually it is seldom used in projects, normally the REST API is leveraged.
  • activiti-crystallball, activiti-kickstart and some more, which are simply not there (and not yet missed by our users).


These were the most important differences. As you can see, there are a few. However, for 3 years of working in parallel – the differences are not that big and migration is a really manageable task.
In the past, we have had quite a few customers migrating from Activiti to Camunda and none of them have faced issues in doing so.

Database migration

Camunda forked from Activiti 5.11.

Migration for Activiti <= 5.11

If you have Activiti < 5.11, upgrade to 5.11 first (by upgrade scripts provided by Activiti). Then run the upgrade script from Camunda 6.2 (the Camunda version based on Activiti) to 7.0 (the first forked Camunda version).

Migration for Activiti > 5.11

For migrating newer versions we always check database differences manually for the specific Activiti version at hand.

For Activiti 5.21 – the current version when the Activiti core team left – we did this procedure for you. If you have an Activiti version > 5.11 && < 5.21, then migrate to 5.21 by the Activiti upgrade mechanism. Afterwards, follow the instructions here.

Basically you have to apply all provided Camunda upgrade scripts from version 6.2 (the last Camunda version before the fork) to 7.5. However, you have to take care of some conflicts with changes in Activiti (you can see the changes in the beginning of this commit if you are interested in the details).

To make it easy for you, we prepared special upgrade files you can apply without modifications. Make sure you run them in this order (e.g., by command line using ``psql -U postgres -d activiti < postgres-1-upgrade.sql):

  • postgres-1-upgrade.sql: Upgrade the database to 7.5. No need to review this file.
  • postgres-2-migrate.sql: Migrates some tables/columns to be compliant with Camunda database. You might want to have a look to make sure you are fine with the changes.
  • postgres-3-drop.sql: Drops unused tables and columns from the database. You should double-check that you do not lose data you rely on.

Note that there are corresponding files for your database in this GitHub folder.

After this procedure, your database is a Camunda BPM 7.5 database. Congrats! You can now run Camunda and your runtime data is still there.

Warning: This migration script is provided without any warranty. We haven’t tested it for all circumstances and you might lose data, especially if you used features not supported by Camunda. Make a backup before applying the migration and verify everything is working afterwards! Let us know if you experience errors.

In case of any trouble, contact us! Our consulting team can help you!

Migrate users and groups and create proper authorizations

If you use the internal identity management for users and groups, best re-create users and groups, as there are differences in user handling:

  • Camunda uses hashed passwords, Activiti stores passwords in plain text.
  • Camunda uses different role names for groups.

We propose to simply delete all users and re-create them afterwards. SQL statements are included in the migration scripts. This typically makes sense as Camunda has some powerful Authorization mechanism, so you have to create authorizations properly if you want to use users and groups.

Technically you can migrate users and groups but, you are currently on your own creating the required scripts. If there is a big demand, we might add them later on.

A second possibility is to completely disable authorizations.

If you use LDAP, note that the Camunda LDAP Identity Service is pretty close to Activiti, but you have to adjust it according to the documentation.

Optional cleanup

If you have come this far and enjoy a running Camunda installation, you might want to lean back, sip at a hot coffee, and just do the last optional clean-up tasks:

  • Rename activiti.cfg.xml file to camunda.cfg.xml
  • Update namespace of BPMN XML files. The Camunda Modeler does this automatically for you when opening models with the old Activiti namespace. This step is optional as the engine also reads the Activiti namespace to ensure backwards compatible capabilities.


Great – you made it. We warmly welcome you as a new Camunda user! Despite the previously mentioned Camunda Tasklist, Cockpit, Admin and the REST API, there is a lot more to discover, e.g.:


PS: If we hear of problems during the migration process we will update this blog post accordingly, so it is worth checking for updates whenever you want to start your migration project.

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