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Tag: connectors
Excited by the potential of Camunda Marketplace, LTIMindtree held a hackathon to generate the best Connector to submit. Here's how they did it.
Learn how a new Connector can improve the way you handle files in the cloud with Camunda. You can get the Connector today in Camunda Marketplace.
We’re launching the Camunda Connectors Idea Portal, a one-stop shop for you to submit ideas, see what's new, vote on what you like and more.
Learn how to use the Connector SDK to build a custom Connector.
Discover pre-built Connectors for everything from protocols like REST and GraphQL to enterprise applications and productivity apps with Camunda Marketplace.
Camunda Marketplace makes it easier than ever to discover, install, and customize pre-built Connectors.
We’ve just released a WhatsApp Business Connector, joining Connectors such as SendGrid and Twilio in making it easier to incorporate communications in your business processes.
Explore how Camunda's Play feature functions and how to test processes without disrupting your Zeebe cluster.
Bring Salesforce into your core business processes with the new out-of-the-box Salesforce Connector from Camunda.