Impressions from Camunda Community Day 2015

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Or in other words: Our most awesome community day yet!

Last week our annual Camunda Community Day took place. I always enjoy that day very much because it gives me the opportunity to get in touch with community contributors and users. I always learn a lot during these days and I take a lot of energy away from it.

Same as last year, the Community Day took place here at the Camunda office in exactly the same space in which we normally sit behind our desks and write code.

We had to limit reservations to 100 (including ourselves). Two things struck me with this: when we announced the date in Camunda Network, it was almost instantly sold out, and almost everybody who reserved a seat also showed up. Nastasja tells me that out of 100 reservations only about 10 people did not attend (which is amazing for an event where reservation and attendance is is free) 🙂

The day was started with two user talk, the first one given by Robert Parker (Australia Post) and Jörg Sauer (Allianz Indonesia). Rob from Australia Post spoke at last year’s event too
and it was interesting to hear him report on their progress and experiences with Camunda in production over the last year. Allianz Indonesia was one of our first customers (starting back in the days with Camunda’s predecessor “Fox”) and it was very interesting to hear about their experiences of using Camunda over more than 3 years now.

Audience listening to Robert Parker
Robert Parker (Australia Post) at Camunda Community Day

Next, Jörn Horstman (Zalando) reported on how Zalando performs Order Processing at scale with Camunda BPM. Apparently, whenever you order something at their online shop, a process instance is started. Jörn has blogged about his talk as well.

After this we learned from Stan Levine (Context Space) and how they run Camunda on Cassandra. Context Space is working on a Cassandra Persistence Layer which they contributed as a community extension. Since over a year ago Camunda has a pluggable persistence layer and it is really nice to see some community collaboration around this!

Next up was a talk by Adesso AG. The talk focused on how they embedded, Camunda’s embeddable BPMN modeling toolkit for the browser. Their feedback was great and it showed nicely how you can use to embed a full bpmn modeler inside a custom application.

After this, this year’s Camunda Community award was handed to Frank Langelage as an acknowledgement of the many many pull requests he made. Unfortunately I found no better picture of this moment: (I would have preferred a picture where you can see more of Frank and less of myself).

Next up there were a number of talks by Camunda focusing on Spring Boot, Docker, the Camunda Roadmap as well as a Hacksession by Nico Rehwaldt, Philip Ossler and myself in which we showed how to use the Camunda Engine in the cloud and how easy it is to implement Service Tasks with Node JS, Java  and Akka / Scala as Microservices.

After this, finally, Nastasja removed the locks from the fridge and the beers were opened. Later we invited everybody over to “Brauhaus Südstern” where the evening ended over beers and “Haxe”.

And that was our community day! Slides are already available in Camunda Network (scroll to the bottom of the page) and Valentin promised that he will publish all the video recordings he made.

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