We’re excited to announce the release of Camunda Optimize 3.5.0-alpha1.
Camunda Optimize provides business activity monitoring for workflows, supporting continuous process improvement by providing transparency into your automated workflows and decisions. Business-friendly reports, dashboards and alerts make it possible to identify process bottlenecks and improve end-to-end processes.
If you’d like to get started with Optimize 3.5.0-alpha1 right away, you can download the release here with your Camunda Enterprise Platform customer credentials.
And if you’re not yet a Camunda customer, you can sign up here for a free 30-day trial of the Camunda Enterprise Platform, which includes Camunda Optimize.
In the rest of this post, we’ll highlight some of the new capabilities introduced in Optimize 3.5.0-alpha1.
Raw Data Report Improvements
The Duration of Process Instances is displayed in the Raw Data Reports for Process Definitions.
Until today it has only been possible to view the duration of completed process instances in the Raw Data Reports for Process Definitions. With this release, we are making it possible to display the duration of running process instances as well. This feature improves the performance of the raw data reports significantly, because the user now has the ability to see the duration of the running process instances. In addition to that, all process instances can now be sorted by duration (either in ascending or descending order) which gives complete visibility on Raw Data Reports for Process data.
Additionally, the duration of running Process Instances is also displayed when exporting the Raw Data Report as a CSV file.
What’s Next?
We’ll release the next alpha of Camunda Optimize 3.5.0 in June 2021. Stay tuned.
A smooth update from Camunda Optimize 3.4 to Optimize 3.5 will be possible. Along with the minor release we will publish a dedicated update guide.
How to get it
If you want to give Camunda Optimize a try, you can download the release here with your Enterprise customer credentials. Please sign up for a free 30-day trial version.
If you’re new to Optimize, we recommend that you watch the Getting Started with Optimize in less than 5 Minutes video.